Natural Herbs And Supplements
Balanced Health Acupuncture of New York
David Chiu, L.Ac.
Acupuncture & Herbalist & Acupuncturist located in Midtown East, New York, NY
Good nutrition is the foundation of good health, but sometimes it is difficult to get a perfect balance of nutrients from diet alone. At Balanced Health Acupuncture of New York in Midtown, New York, NY, David Chiu L.Ac. helps patients identify nutritional gaps and offers natural herbs and supplements to fill them. Contact the office for more information or click on the link below.
Natural Herbs and Supplements
What are natural herbs and supplements?
Natural herbs and supplements are plant-based nutritional products designed to fill dietary gaps and treat health conditions holistically. These products harness the power of nature to improve health and wellness, often with more benefits and less side effects than modern drugs. Balanced Health Acupuncture of New York carries high quality natural products that have been manufactured for optimal nutrition and health benefit.
Why take natural herbs and supplements?
Even with a very healthy diet, it can be difficult to get all of the nutrients necessary for optimal health. Holistic nutritional supplements ensure that key nutrients are not missed and provide a foundation for complete health. Additionally, many common health conditions can be improved and treated with natural herbs and supplements, often will fewer side effects and complications than pharmaceutical options.
How do patients decide which herbs and supplements to take?
David works with patients to develop a nutritional plan that supports whole body health and wellness. He can recommend the best natural herbs and supplements to help patients achieve optimal health and treat existing conditions holistically. Balanced Health Acupuncture of New York carries high quality nutritional products that can be purchased in office.
What conditions can natural herbs and supplements help with?
Natural herbs and supplements can improve and treat a wide range of health concerns. Natural treatments are often recommended for stress and anxiety, metabolic health, digestive issues, and hormonal imbalance. Holistic supplements can also aid patients in weight loss and accomplishing body composition goals.
What brands of natural herbs and supplements does Balanced Health Acupuncture of New York carry?
Balanced Health Acupuncture of New York carries Standard Process and MediHerb products. Standard Process manufactures whole-food-based nutritional supplements designed to holistically fill nutritional gaps. MediHerb produces holistic herbal therapies that treat a range of conditions naturally and effectively. Both Standard Process and MediHerb products meet the highest production standards and have high quality, effective ingredients.